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Full Name
Giuliano Dall' O'
I am an academic. My research interests focus on the potential of technological building innovation to accelerate the environmental transition in order to find a new alliance between human beings and nature.
“Our struggle for global sustainability will be won or lost in cities. The potential of urbanization to lift millions of people from poverty and to accelerate economic growth is huge, as demonstrate in recent decades by some of the major emerging economies” (Past UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, 2012)
Long Bio
I am Full Professor of Environmental Technical Physics at the ABC Department of the Politecnico di Milano. My research activities are focused in the fields of energy planning, renewable sources, energy redevelopment of existing buildings and real estate assets, technological innovation in buildings aimed at sustainability, Smart cities. I am the author of numerous publications, including "Green Energy Audit of Buildings" and "Green Planning of Cities and Communities" published by Springer and “Smart city” published by Il Mulino. I am past President of Green Building Council Italia.
Milan, Italy
Thematic Area
Smart Places & Building Innovation