After last year's success, EIT Health i-Days, the Hackathon organized by SYNLAB, in collaboration with Cariplo Factory, Federated Innovation @MIND and Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, is back!
The 3-days international competition brings together university students from all over Italy, calling them to solve a challenge in the healthcare sector.
The EIT Health i-Days promote health innovation among university students through dozens of one-day and two-day programmes held in academic institutions around Europe. Students from all academic areas are introduced to practical health innovation tools and compete in teams to tackle real-life health challenges.
For the 2023 edition, students like you will approach the "SMART AND HEALTH CITIES FOR A BETTER QUALITY OF LIFE" challenge.
With this Hackathon, therefore, you will be involved in developing innovative solutions through artificial intelligence, the IoT (Internet of Things) or other technologies, to make healthcare services more accessible, efficient and effective within a possible smart city.
The i-Days, the free event with limited places, promoted by EIT Health (European Institute of Innovation & Technology) and developed in collaboration with Cariplo Factory and Federated Innovation @MIND, will be held in Milan at the Milano Innovation District (MIND), from 7 to 9 November 2023.
In addition to Milan, the EIT Health i-Days will involve 24 other European cities, which will, in turn, decide their own winning groups, who will then participate in the Winners' Event, the final which will reward the most innovative and brilliant proposal at the European level.
Why sign up for the EIT Health i-Days, the Hackathon organized by SYNLAB?
Participating in the Hackathon will allow you to:
- Meet and compete with other talented young people just like you!
- There are over 100 students who will have the opportunity to participate in our Hackathon: ready to meet them all and make new friends?
- Test your problem-solving skills, leaving your mark
- Apply with your university mates: together with your team, you will have the opportunity to solve a healthcare challenge that could change the future of our cities, improving the quality of life of citizens and patients
- Get to know the top players in the sector: there are many partners involved in the EIT Health i- Days, and you will present your idea directly to them
- Make your CV stand out: the next one to join the SYNLAB team could be you!
Sign up for the Hackathon now!
SYNLAB and EIT Health
SYNLAB is Europe's leading provider of healthcare laboratory diagnostics services and it currently operates in 36 countries and 4 continents.
EIT Health was established in 2015 as a ‘knowledge and innovation community’ (KIC) of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). The EIT comprises various KICs who each focus on a different sector or area of innovation.
Download the pdf for more information about the challenge
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