9:30 | Introduction to the event | Alberto Mina, Director of External Relations and Communications, Arexpo
9:40 | General Presentation of the CATCH atMIND Project and Concrete Cases | Prof. Ernesto Damiani, University of Milan
9:50 | Presentations by companies participating in the MIND project:
• Caterina Anna Maria La Porta, Complexdata
• Demetra Pelos, Bio4Dreams
• Paolo Salza, Cariplo Factory
10:40 | Presentation of the administrative aspects of the project | Fulvio Frati, University of Milan
10:50 | Social procurement for profit companies | Chiara Pennasi, Fondazione Triulza
10:55 | Considerations by MIND Scientific Ambassador | Prof. Giuseppe Banfi, IRCCS Galeazzi
11:05 | Federated Innovation, the innovation driver of MIND | Fabrizio Grillo, President of Federated Innovation @MIND
11:15 | Q&A session