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- Title of the initiative *
- Rethinking school spaces
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- Name of the player/s proposing the initiative
- Schneider Electric, Saint-Gobain Italia, Valore Italia, ELT Group, Wind Tre, Cisco, Sapio Life
- Your initiative in one line
- Participatory design and implementation of the classroom of the future.
- Initiative Description
The initiative aims at developing a retrofitting paradigm for classrooms & innovative learning methods, drawing from a prototype classroom built@MIND. This classroom is co-designed with local schools around principles of empowerment, inclusivity, safety, connectivity and sustainability.
- Expected Benefit
A sustainable paradigm to upgrade schools and address the challenge of geographic and income gaps improve learning conditions, maximize the potential of connectivity and sensors; reduce costs of school management and energy consumption; increase security and safety; provide useful data for analysis and integration into decision-making.
- Implementation
After 18 months of participatory design, the first prototype of the classroom was built in 2022. Called "Piscopia Corner - Augmented Education Lab", the space is located in the School of Botticino in MIND, operated by Valore Italia.
The classroom includes state-of-the-art collaboration hardware and software, as well as sensors and predictive capacities to enhance sustainability and environmental quality. It allows smooth remote teaching and learning; the inclusion of students through real-time transcription and translation of speech, thanks to CISCO solutions; optimisation of energy and heat consumptions; monitoring of levels of oxygen, air quality, light and noise, provided through Schneider Electric systems. The room is optimised under the acoustic and seismic point of view, leveraging state-of-the-art solutions by Saint-Gobain. ELT group provides protection from airborne viruses through its E4SHIELD technology. All systems rest upon Wind Tre connectivty, who also designed the operational dashboard that integrates them.
The classroom is currently being used as an experimental springboard to develop new teaching methods, but we are also exploring other areas, such as collaborations with the healthcare sector.
- Timeline
1. Requirements mapping (months 1-6).2. Involvement of local schools in high-level co-design phase (months 1-6).3. Executive design of classroom space (months 7-12).4. Furnishing of classroom space with tools for telepresence, smart management, environmental quality optimization (months 12-18).5. Development of unified dashboard (months 10-12; second revision in months 30-36).6. Release of prototype classroom to public7. Test Phase 1 with local schools with iterative improvements (months 24-36)..8. Development of new learning methods (months 24-36).9. Development of retrofitting paradigm (inputs-outputs, costs/benefits) months 24-42.
- Partners and stakeholders involved in the project
Schneider Electric: Co-Design, provision of BMS systems, sensors
Valore Italia: Co-Design, Hosting, Communications
Saint-Gobain Italia: Co-Design, provision of advanced ceiling and paint solutions.
ELT Group: Co-Design, provision of E4Shield technology
Wind Tre: Co-Design, provision of connectivity, system integration, dashboard
CISCO Systems: Co-Design, provision of collaboration and cybersecurity hardware and software
- Needs & Output Tools
- Physical space to deploy and test the initiative.- 5G wireless connectivity to interconnect the various components.- Engagement of local schools in the design and testing phases. Through hackathons & open consultations to accelerate iterative methods.- Engagement of public institutions to decide open data scope and needs .
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- Data generated by the initiative
Energy Consumption
Environmental Quality (Light, Noise, Air)
Classroom Use and Participation