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- Title of the initiative *
- Demoday | Solutions for urban delivery
- Select "Officials" if you want to make this Innovation Initiative Official
- Name of the player/s proposing the initiative
- Mobility & Logistics and Retail Tech Thematic Areas
- Initiative Description
The Innovation initiative Unmanned solutions for last mile urban delivery, promoted by the Thematic Areas "Mobility & Logistics" and "Retail Tech" aims to define a concept of a service model for the delivery of goods / products within the MIND-Milano Innovation District based on autonomous driving vehicles.
In line with this initiative, the definition of a workshop and demoday is underway, to be held on 15 November 2022 at MIND-Milano Innovation District, aimed at identifying the state of the art of autonomous driving on the national scene, as well as characterizing possible scenarios and use cases in the context of of the last mile achievable in the short term.
- Implementation
The activity has the purpose of market research and any expenses are to be understood entirely in charge of the participating companies.
- Timeline
Deadline for sending documentation: October 28, 2022.
Workshop & Demoday: November 15, 2022.
Needs & Output Tools
In this context, it will be possible for companies in the sector who so wish to exhibit their products or solutions at the workshop (possibly with a stall/kiosk and the promotion of live demos of their products).
The identification of the products will be carried out on the basis of compatibility with the characteristics listed below. The proposals must in any case fall within the supply of solutions for autonomous driving in the context of last mile logistics and preferably have the following characteristics:
- Autonomous delivery vehicles, with single or multiple compartments, with or without controlled temperature.
- SAE level equal to 4, compatible with the experimentation in Italy. Target: 5
- With minimal environmental impact. Target: design based on the concept of circular economy and waste reduction.
However, we invite you to submit your solution to us in order to evaluate every possible compatibility and potential with the logistics scenarios hypothesized in the context of urban delivery.
To participate in this initiative register here as a Business or login, then click on the 'JOIN' button and a form will open to submit your solution!
It could be great for your innovation initiative to unlock from the beginning value coming from Data eXchange: you can start answering the following requests, but you can even schedule a Precision Data Sharing Session with the Ecosystem Catalyst and the Data eXchange Team, to understand better all the data driven business opportunities.